Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Happy National Day, France

It is National Day in France today as the country celebrates 220th anniversary of Fall of Bastille. The event marked the start of the French revolution. I was in ninth standard when I first learned of French revolution. It was exactly 20 years ago and the lesson was incorporated in our textbook. That was the time when I first learned about Robespierre, Honoré Mirabeau and also Marie Antoinette. It was a coincidence that the same year marked 20th anniversary of the French revolution.

This year, India is getting honour at the fête nationale as Prime Minister Manmohan Singh will attend the parade organised at the national day celebration. 310 Indian soldiers will march along in the parade on the beats of military band. I am happy to find that the work of Maratha infantry in the first world war, fighting on the side of British against Germany is still revered in France, as I found in some media reports.

I am always attracted to the land of Eiffel Tower. I hope I can some day go there. Meanwhile, happy fête nationale, France.


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