The winter session of Maharashtra is beginning at Nagpur on Tuesday. It is expected to be dominated by above issues. The opposition is grinding its axe to attack the government on leakage of the report and reported allegations by former Police Commissioner Hasan Gafoor. The top official has pointed four top police officers guilty of 'dereliction of duty' during the attacks. Allegations made by slain IPS officer Ashok Kamte's widow, Vinita, against Mumbai Crime Branch chief Rakesh Maria of mishandling the situation on 26/11 would also be raised in the House.
I suspect any furore will be raised over these issues. Was not it just three months ago that the same issues were predicted to bring a fall in government? Was not it that opposition parties, mainly Shiv Sena and Bharatiya Janata Party were betting heavily on farmers' suicides as their main election plank? Is it not futile to think that anything related with 26/11 will create a flutter, let alone a storm even one year after the incident and even when the main alive culprit Ajmal Kasab is yet to receive punishment?
With Maharashtra Navnirman Sena pursuing its own agenda of justice to locals, BJP still basking in the glory of retrieving leader of opposition's post in legislature assembly and Shiv Sena yet to come to terms with its lacklustre performance, who will raise questions and who will create a storm? Hence, even though the seriousness of questions being same, seriousness of any talk regarding serious business in assembly is a distant dream?
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